Name: Amelia
From: Sacramento, CA
To: Sierra Vista, AZ
Pets: Zoe (dog, pom-chi, 4yrs 4lbs), Rocky (dog, pom, 13wks, 3lbs)
Do I need a health certificate to travel with my dog Zoe to Arizona? Would I also need one for Rocky when I travel to TX? My husband and I are PCS-ing to TX from California, but I will be picking him up with the dog in AZ on Thursday. I didn't look into what I would need to travel with my pet until this evening. Do I need anything to take the dog, Zoe to Arizona and back to California?
AmeliaHi Amelia,
Thanks for your question, hopefully we can help! The answer partially depends on whether you're driving or flying. No matter what, it's a good idea to be up-to-date on all your vaccinations, and if you fly you'll need to have a vet health certificate. Here's some info about
moving pets domestically, and you're welcome to
contact us if you have any questions. Good luck with your relocation!