Pet Travel Question: Can Rabbits Fly to New Zealand?
Name: Breanne
From: San Francisco, California, USA
To: Auckland, New Zealand
Pets: Tomball (Lionhead rabbit), Puppy (Holland Lop rabbit)
My friend and I are moving to New Zealand permanently, and we'd like to take our rabbits with us. We're flying a nonstop flight out of San Francisco into Auckland, a mere 12 hours. Is this possible? What all do we need? What's all this about quarantine?
I'm not sure if rabbits are allowed to enter New Zealand from the US. I've read many conflicting things. One place says rabbits may only be imported from AUS into NZ, another pet service says they've moved rabbits into NZ from the US several times.
Hi Breanne,
Importing pets to New Zealand is definitely a little bit tricky, and according to the
New Zealand Ministry of Agriculture, at this time rabbits may only be imported from Australia. You may want to peruse this website and double check with the relevant authorities, but from what we can see it doesn't appear you'll be able to move your bunnies directly to New Zealand.
Thanks for checking in with us, and please
contact us if you have any more questions!