Pet Travel in the News: Runaway Dog Causes Havoc on the Runway
A tiny dog recently caused flight delays and chaos at a busy Brazilian airport after jumping from her owner's arms and onto the runway. The 12-inch tall miniature pinscher was being placed into a car when she made her escape (apparently she had been removed from her crate following the completion of a cargo flight).

Airport officials and firefighters were informed of the situation and, for a period of 24 minutes, flights were suspended as a search was undertaken. Airport authorities feared that the dog could be hurt or could cause damage to a plane, so a descending flight was diverted to another airport and, all in all, four flights were delayed.
So what's the lesson here, pet travelers? Follow procedure, be careful, and don't allow your pets to go unrestrained. The hubbub of an airport runway is enough to spook even the calmest dog, so be sure to keep animals either on a leash or inside their travel crate at all times.
Luckily, stories like this are pretty rare, and here at we move pets all the time without incident. Interested in how it all
should work? Take a look at how
Continental Airlines handles their pet transportation, and notice how (thankfully) drama-free the normal pet travel routine actually is.