Pet Move of the Month: Kratos’ Move to Italy

Incredible Experiences: Kratos Travels to Italy

Meet Kratos, our Pet Move of the Month! From the beginning, it was easy to see that Kratos is a world-traveling star. He recently made the move from California to Italy in order to join his owner, Shaun, who is in the U.S. Navy. It was the first pet move for them so they were a little nervous, but with the help of their Pet Relocation Specialist Sarah, everything went well. This lovable Bulldog is surely making tons of new friends in Naples, and we wish him and Shaun all the best.

Find out more about the move below, and don't miss the great pet travel tips from Shaun. Congratulations, Kratos, and thanks again for sharing your move with PetRelocation!

What were some of your concerns going into the move?

My biggest concern was the plane ride. Since English Bulldogs are brachycephalic I was very concerned about the flight. Once the time came, I emailed Sarah some questions and she fully answered them and explained the whole process. It made me feel a lot better.

Another concern was, since I was already in Naples, Italy and my dog was still in Oxnard, CA, I wasn't there to get everything done. Sarah did all the work by setting up appointments for a ten day fly out, FedExing USDA paperwork, and coordinating with my former roommate on various forms and pickup times. Without Sarah my dog and I would not be together right now.

Did anything surprise you about the international pet moving process?

No, only because Sarah was always available and informed me of every part of the move as soon as it happened.

How is Kratos adjusting to his new home?

I live in Naples, Italy and picked him up in Rome. He is adjusting just fine. Nothing is different about him health wise or in terms of temperament. he was grumpy when I got him, but who wouldn't be after a flight half way around the world!

What is life like in Italy? Is it a pet-friendly place to be?

Life is great here! I'm in the U.S. Navy so we have a vet on base and a huge park called Carney Park (pet-friendly with a huge dog run track and large open fields). Out in town there are a lot of pet stores and there are vets in every little town. You can walk a dog anywhere --  the Italians love dogs and are very friendly towards them.

What advice do you have for people who might be planning a move?

If you have a brachycephalic breed (Pug, Boston Terrier, Pekingese, Boxer, Bulldog, Shih Tzu) they really need an air controlled and pressurized cargo hold. If you are planning a move, plan your pet's move early, as there are a lot of steps in the process. If you are in the military, you don't have a choice about flight carrier options so there is more planning involved. If you are doing a PCS move please take extra time and research to ensure your pet moves with you.

Need help arranging your pet's safe move? Contact PetRelocation to discuss your safe pet transport options. 


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