Pet Move Customer Story: Dolce and Mollie’s move to California

Name: Kathy
Pets' Names: Dolce' and Mollie
From: Rhode Island
To: California

Our family (pets included of course) was being relocated from Rhode Island to Southern California, a 3,000 mile trip to take place at the end of Aug. 2011. After checking several animal-friendly airlines (most of which only accept smaller animals that can be in the cabin under a seat.), we decided to fly Continental.

The animals had to be dropped off at a special holding area, and from there they are driven in a van to the plane. We were able to watch them being loaded into the air-regulated cargo area and a stewardess assured us they were on board. At the end of the flight our transportation was delayed. The people at the animal section made a call to our cell phone to let us know the animals arrived safely and were waiting to be picked up. After all the worry of having to have the animals on such a long flight, we picked up Dolce' and Mollie at the animal pick-up area.

They were well cared for throughout the whole process. We made it a point to put tags on their crates indicating live animals inside, along with their names on the crates in several places so that the handlers could call them by name. A big shout out for for getting our family from one side of the U.S. to the other!


PetRelocation Team


