Moving cats and birds from the U.S. to Ecuador
Name: Marnie
Number of Pets: 5
Pet Type: 2 Umbrella Cockatoos, 3 Cats
From: Florida
To: Ecuador
Do you provide services to assist in getting pets to this country? How difficult is it to bring the birds?
-MarnieHi Marnie!
We are happy to help relocate pets to Ecuador. First, here are a few details that may help give you an idea of your traveling situation: prior to your move, you will need to obtain health certificates for your cats as well as proof of a few vaccinations, including rabies. You'll find the basic guidelines for
moving pets to Ecuador here.
For the birds, it looks like you'll need a U.S. Origin Health Certificate authorized by the USDA and endorsed by an approved veterinarian, as well as fulfill the necessary
CITES paperwork for moving birds as Umbrella Cockatoos are protected by CITES. You'll find more detailed information about moving pets to Ecuador on the USDA's page
here. As we've seen before,
moving birds can be tricky. With plenty of advanced planning, however, you can enjoy a smooth trip.
Good luck with your travels, and let us know if we can be of service!