Importing Dogs from Rabies-Free Countries

Name: Sonia
Number of Pets: 1
Pet Type: Dog
Pet Breed: Chihuahua
From: Sydney, Australia
To: Austin, TX, USA


Dear PetRelocation,

I am a former customer and used your services when moving to Australia and brought our Chihuahua, Benicio. We are now returning to the US and see that rabies vaccination is required 30 days prior to flight unless from a non-rabies country.

Is Australia considered a non-rabies country? What are the rules for us to bring from Australia to the US?

Thank you!


Hi Sonia,

Thanks for checking in with us once again!

You're right, the rules are a little different when you're bringing a pet from Australia (a rabies-free country) into the United States. According to the official government website, proof of a rabies vaccine is not necessary if you've been in Australia for at least 6 months.

That being said, many airlines do require a health certificate of some kind stating that your dog is healthy and fit to fly, so check with the airline you'll be using to find out about what, if any, paperwork they need from you.

Also, after you've arrived in the United States and have had a chance to settle in, you should research local laws regarding rabies vaccines and follow them accordingly. If you're staying in Austin (good choice!), you'll be required by law to have Benicio vaccinated against rabies every 1-3 years.

Hope this helps! Please let us know if you'd like assistance with your move, and good luck with everything.


PetRelocation Team




United States, Australia