How to travel with pets to Brazil - and back to Canada!
Name: Cherie
Number of Pets: 1
Pet Type: dog
Pet Breed: chaweeni
From: Canada
To: Brazil
I am traveling with my dog to Brazil for three weeks I understand I need to get an international health certificate and have it endorsed by the Brazilian consulate get him into Brazil but I am wondering what documents I will need to return my dog to Canada? Do I need to get another health certificate in Brazil for the dog to be let back into Canada?
-CherieHi Cherie,
Thanks for contacting us! If you'll be taking your dog to Brazil and then back into Canada, you will need to make sure you follow the pet travel guidelines prescribed by each country.
Take a look at the
Brazil Import Rules and Requirements as well as the
Canada Import Rules and Requirements to get an idea of the steps you'll need to take.
Good luck, Cherie, and
let us know if you have any more questions!