Friday Pet News Round-Up: Pet plastic surgery, menageries and more
We've almost made it to the weekend! Here's a round-up of the top pet news stories from the last (busy) week. Enjoy, and have a great Friday!
-San Francisco is looking into the possibility of regulating its pet store industry. Are they ahead of the curve or behind the times?
-A local Austin, TX shelter will be relocating to better digs soon, and until then they're soliciting stories and photos from people whose lives have been changed by adopting pets or volunteering. Check out The Last 100 Days of Town Lake Animal Center.
-Author Susan Orlean touches upon some familiar concerns about moving pets in her recent blog post, The Moving Menagerie.
-Britons have been spending millions per year on cosmetic surgery for their pets. Eye lifts and nose surgery can help improve the quality of life for droopy faced and snub-nosed breeds.