Friday Pet News: Halloween Edition
Almost there! Enjoying that Friday feeling? Getting ready for Halloween? Here area few news links to help you reach the week's finish line.
-Will you be dressing your pet up for Halloween? Here are a few
pet costume tips that may come in handy.
-Need some inspiration? We've got slide shows galore:
Highbrow Pet Costumes,
Corgis in Costume and
More Dog Halloween Costumes.
Jack Russell terrier is being reunited with his owner after being missing for several weeks. Microchip your pets!
Jack the cat has been found after going missing for two months, and unfortunately he's going to need some recovery time.
-This New Orleans man introduced
service dogs to Cuba.
-And finally, here's some general travel news: a handy
Google calendar integration tool makes it easier to plan your trips.
Have a safe and happy weekend, everyone!