Five Dog Books Worth Checking Out
The perfect antidote to the noise and chaos of daily life is making the time to dive headlong into a good book. For those of us with dogs in our lives (and
especially those who might be moving with their dogs!) , these peaceful moments are perfect for learning more about what makes our pups tick; for as much as we love our dogs, they often tend to be confusing bundles of instincts, emotions, nerves and personality quirks.
Ranging from light-hearted to a little more serious, these dog-themed books will hold your attention, provide a break from reality and maybe, just maybe, shed some light on the complex creatures we've made our companions.
Am I Boring My Dog? by Edie JarolimIt’s fun to have a dog, but it’s not always easy. Follow the journey of a first-time dog owner (who also runs the pet travel blog
Will my dog hate me?) as she encounters the joys and challenges of bringing a pup into her life. Filled with useful information and delivered in a tone that doesn’t take itself too seriously, this guide is both entertaining and informative.
Inside of a Dog: What Dogs See, Smell and Know by Alexandra HorowitzWritten by a psychology professor and dog lover, this thoughtful book explores the interior
life of dogs by viewing the world from their unique perspective. The things that drive dogs’ behavior – their incredible senses of smell, their endless tendencies to watch their human companions – are discussed using careful research and reveal a point of view different from the average dog guide. For example, Horowitz steers clear of anthropomorphism and disagrees with the oft-touted “pack approach” to dog training.
One Nation Under Dog by Michael SchafferOver the past few years, much of society has elevated the status of dogs from tolerated to celebrated, a fact that has created countless profitable pet-related industries and shaped the landscape of public spheres and private lives. In his investigation of America’s dog culture – the products, the pampering and the humans behind it all – author Michael Schaffer finds that we are indeed a nation obsessed with our “fur babies.”
The Difficulty of Being a Dog by Roger Grenier, translated by Alice KaplanComprised of forty three literary essays translated from French, this isn’t your average dog book. It’s certainly worth picking up, though; lovers of literature should appreciate the poetic writing style and will enjoy learning about the connections that have been forged between various authors and their dogs. This essay collection looks at dogs with a sense of wonder and affection, something we bet many of you will appreciate.