Elderly Animal Moving Recommendations!
Petrelocation.com - Most of our customers have had their pets, or are planning on keeping their pets for a long time! Because of this and the need to pet move, many are unaware of the special care that must be given to all elderly pets when its time to transport them long distances. We here at Pet Relocation have come up with simple checklist for all of you in this situation:
1. Have the vet perform an extensive/geriatric health exam on all vital organs (heart, liver, and kidneys). This may require a full blood profile, which can take up to 14 days for results. There should be no record of liver or kidney damage.
2. Hydration levels need to be up to par and remain normal without the use of medication. This is due to the fact that many animals will not drink the water provided while in transit.
3. Purchase a kennel larger than the minimum requirements with ventilation holes in the rear. This will allow more air to flow through the kennel freely.
4. Acclimate the animal as much as possible to the kennel environment. This can be the animals home for up to 12 hours at a time (depending on the length of the flight). Stress levels have proven to drop dramatically for animals accustomed to the travel environment.
5. DO NOT SEDATE-The combination of sedatives and pressurized environments/altitudes on animals has proven to be a deadly cocktail as the outcomes are totally unpredictable. In addition, airlines will not accept a noticeably sedated animal.
For any other questions, please contact us directly!