Cat Travel to the EU

Name: Annette
Number of Pets: 1
Pet Type: Cat
Pet Breed: Tabby
From: USA
To: France


Dear PetRelocation,

I am only traveling for 1 1/2 months to the EU... Do I need to have my cat fully vaccinated? I know rabies is a must, but what about the others? My cat is an indoor cat so I prefer to not fully vaccinate him if it's not needed... Thank you!

Also, If I am flying on two different airlines (Delta airlines going to the EU and American flying back to the US), is my one veterinary certificate that I'll use sufficient enough?



Hi Annette,

Great questions. To travel with your cat you'll need to meet the requirements for pet import to the EU, and then when you come back you'll need to meet the US pet import rules.

For travel to France, you'll need to meet these requirements, which include more than just the rabies vaccine. The United States is classified as a Third Country so the steps are more comprehensive than they would be if you were coming from a rabies-free destination or from within the EU, and even if you're only staying for a few weeks, you'll need to follow the rules completely.

Here are links to the USDA and EU websites for more information about health documents.

To return to the United States, you'll need to show proof of an up-to-date rabies vaccine and, as required by the airline, you'll need a vet health certificate stating your cat is healthy and fit to fly. This needs to be issued within 10 days of departure, so it sounds like you'll need to secure a new one for your trip home.

Hopefully this information leads you in the right direction. If you have further questions or think you'd like some help with your travels, please contact us and one of our Specialists will be happy to advise you.

Have a great trip and thanks again for getting in touch with us!


PetRelocation Team





United States, France