Can You Import a Cat with Feline Leukemia into the United States
Name: Ashley
Number of Pets: 1
Pet Type: Cat
Pet Breed:
From: El Salvador
To: US
My cat recently tested positive with feline leukemia, upsetting my plans to bring him to the United States in May.
I will not bring him initially, since I will be in a house with other cats that are negative for feline leukemia. So he will have to wait until I've transitioned to a place of my own.
My question is whether I can import a cat with feline leukemia to the United States. I haven't been able find any information one way or the other. At this point he is otherwise healthy - his other vaccines are current and he does not have any secondary infections.
Hi Ashley, Thanks for your question. The US has very simple import requirements that at this time do not regulate whether you can bring a cat with feline leukemia into the United States. The only requirement for pets being imported into the US is that you will neeed a rabies shot issued at least 30 days prior to import and a health certificate issued within 10 days of the flight (this is required by the airlnes themselves).
You can find a full list of
US Pet Import Requirements here.
Thanks and safe travels!