Everything You Need to Know About Moving Cats and Dogs to The EU

Your Ultimate Guide to a Seamless Pet Move to Europe

So, you’re moving to Europe? Paris! Brussels! Amsterdam! How exciting! Moving to a new country with your best friend—your pet—adds to the excitement of exploring new horizons. We want to make this journey as smooth as possible for you and your furry companion. The good news is that if the import steps are followed correctly, there is no quarantine for cats and dogs entering the EU from the United States.

At PetRelocation, we've created this comprehensive guide to help you navigate the process of bringing your dog or cat to the European Union. Let's take a look at our guidelines to ensure you are well-prepared for a successful move.

Time Requirements: Plan Ahead for a Stress-Free Move


Vaccination Requirements: Preparing Your Pet for Travel

Your cat or dog must meet specific import requirements put in place by the European Union. Here's what you need to know:

Final Veterinarian Appointment: The Importance of Health Certificates

Estimated costs for endorsement: Up to five pets can be be documented on one international health certificate. If you are traveling with more than five pets, you will incur costs for two endorsements. Currently UK health certificates are $38 USD per endorsement. 

A few notes:

The good news is, the EU is one of the less stressful destinations since it requires minimal vaccinations, and preparation time and does not require a TITER test. However, we understand that the process can be daunting, and we would love to help!

Commercial vs. Non-Commercial Pet Travel: Understanding the "5-Day Rule"

Crate Training and Traveling as Manifest Cargo: Acclimating Your Pet to Their Travel Crate

Estimated costs for manifest cargo airfreight: Manifest cargo flights for pets are based on dimensional weight (or how much space your pet takes up in the aircraft). For international flights, these fees can range from $1,000 USD for a Chihuahua and up to $4,500 USD for a Great Dane.

Need an expert to help plan your pet’s move? Contact us to set up a consultation with our EU pet travel team.


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