Breed Restrictions for Dog Travel to New Zealand

Name: Lori
Number of Pets: One
Pet Type: Dog
Pet Breed: Hanover Hound
From: Bend, Oregon
To: Kaiwaka, New Zealand


Dear PetRelocation,

If I have a dog that is a mixed breed can I bring her into New Zealand? She's a Lab and German Shepherd mix. Can she be quarantined in my home for the 170 days before flying to New Zealand and then quarantined there for 10 days?

Thank you,


Hi Lori,

Thanks for reaching out with your question. According to the official pet import requirements for New Zealand, yes, your dog can enter the country provided all import steps are carried out correctly. A few breeds are restricted (including American Pit Bull Terriers) and "hybrids" are not allowed (dogs crossed with another species), but your Lab/German Shepherd does not pose a problem.

As for quarantine, yes, most of the preparation process can be carried out at home with you. You'll need to adhere to the checklist carefully and secure the correct paperwork and vaccines for your dog in a timely manner, and then upon arrival there is a minimum 10-day quarantine that must be carried out in an official MPI-approved facility.

Please read over the guidelines carefully and then contact us if you think you'd like some help arranging your dog's relocation to New Zealand. This can be a tricky country to tackle and most people end up seeking out some kind of assistance in order to avoid delays and confusion.

Either way, good luck and have a great move!


PetRelocation Team




United States, New Zealand