AllExperts Question: Bringing a cat home from China?
Name: Caitlin
Subject: Cat Travel home from China
Question: Hello!
My boyfriend is currently living in western China, but will be coming home in February (unfortunately this is the only time he is able to return as his classes end late January and his visa expires mid-February). If you are not familiar with the weather in that area, the winters are very, very cold. He has a beloved cat there that he very much wants to bring home, but he is worried about her safety flying back because Chinese airlines won't let animals travel in the passenger cabin and it's very cold in China during the winter. He is also worried that Chinese airlines won't take the proper precautions for her that you could at least expect in the US. He is living in Urumqi, which is the capital of the western province, Xinjiang so he has at least a 3 or so hour flight to get to Beijing (the first place he could take a non-Chinese airline). He very much wants to bring his cat back home safe and healthy.
Do you have any advice? We are both quite frustrated with the situation and trying to find how to get her home.
Answer: Hi Caitlin,
Thanks for your inquiry. What he would probably have to do is take his cat in the plane with him on a domestic flight from Urumqi to Beijing, then hand off his cat to a professional transportation company in Beijing so they can arrange the export documentation for his cat and then send him out on an international flight.
This is something that we could certainly arrange for you if you'd like -- if you could email me at
rachel @ petrelocation . com I can put together a quote for you (I'd need to know where in the US you'd like to have your cat delivered).
Thank you!