A Fun Pet Travel Story: Hugo’s Journey to South Africa

We love it when our customers are social media savvy, because it gives us even more fun pictures, stories -- and if we're super lucky -- videos to enjoy and share.

Recently we moved Hugo, a six-year-old Wheaton Terrier, from Houston, TX to Cape Town, South Africa. Hugo happens to belong to a well-traveled adventurer named Sunnye, who is quite the nomad (just take a look at her blog). Though Sunnye sometimes lets Hugo stay with family members, for this particular journey he was able to come along for an extended stay in South Africa. Read more about Hugo's pet move on the PetRelocation blog.

You can also read even more about Hugo's move on Sunnye's blog -- it's told from the pup's point of view and is a lot of fun to read. Bonus: there's even a video showing the ultimate reunion (if you're like us you're a total sucker for this kind of thing).

Thanks to Sunnye for sharing this great pet relocation story! We're honored to be a part of it and wish this wandering duo much luck and many more great experiences. Also stay tuned, we may have more to share about Hugo in a couple of weeks! #hint #hint



PetRelocation Team




United States, South Africa